Teena wearing red lipstick

How To: Getting The Perfect Red Lip

Creating the perfect red lips involves a combination of technique, choice of products, and understanding your own lip shape and skin tone. Here's a guide on how to achieve the perfect red lips:

Visual tutorial to follow..

Preparing Your Lips:

  1. Exfoliate: Use a gentle lip scrub or a homemade mixture of sugar and honey to exfoliate your lips. This removes any dead skin and creates a smooth canvas for your lipstick.

  2. Moisturize: Apply a lip balm to hydrate your lips. Allow it to absorb for a few minutes before applying lipstick.

Choosing the Right Red:

  1. Consider Your Skin Tone: Cool-toned reds (with blue undertones) generally suit fair skin, while warm-toned reds (with orange undertones) complement deeper skin tones. Experiment to find the shade that suits you best.

  2. Select the Finish: Matte lipsticks provide a classic, bold look, while glossy finishes add dimension and shine. Choose according to your preference and the occasion.


  1. Use a Lip Liner: Outline your lips with a lip liner that matches your chosen lipstick shade or is slightly darker. This helps prevent feathering and defines your lip shape.

  2. Apply the Lipstick: Use a lip brush or apply directly from the tube, starting from the center of your lips and working outwards. Take care to stay within the lip liner for precise application.

  3. Blot and Layer: After the first layer, blot your lips with a tissue to remove excess product and prevent smudging. Apply another layer if desired for more intensity.

  4. Clean Up Edges: Use a small concealer brush or a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to clean up any mistakes and sharpen the edges of your lips.

Finishing Touches:

  1. Set the Lipstick: Dust a translucent setting powder over your lips to help the color last longer and prevent smudging.

  2. Highlight: For added dimension, dab a small amount of highlighter on your cupid's bow (the center of your upper lip) to accentuate your lips.

  3. Check for Symmetry: Ensure both sides of your lips are even and balanced. Make any necessary adjustments with concealer or additional lipstick.

  4. Practice and Experiment: Perfecting red lips may take practice, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't come out perfectly the first time. Experiment with different shades and techniques until you find what works best for you.

By following these steps and tips, you can create the perfect red lips and capture stunning photos for your blog. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to finding what works best for you!

If you're more of a visual learner, Teena, our Master Makeup Artist at The Makeup Mirror, gives us the perfect tutorial.



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